Three Kinds of Flipped Classroom

Let’s flip more than the order of learning activities...until the classroom becomes a place of discovery, a virtual laboratory for exploring any field of interest.

The Constraints Of Freedom

When you say the word freedom, people tend to think "no rules." However, in a classroom, this does not promote learning unless students have already internalized a certain set of rules or values through which they can effectively use the learning space.

It’s Not About the Cheerios! – How Ego Destroys The Educator

Why do some babies believe it is possible to reach the Cheerio while others are content to wait for someone to bring it over and start spoon-feeding? I would suggest that this has more to do with the ego of the teacher than many of us educators are willing to recognize.

An Educator’s Reflection on “The Abolition of Man” by C.S. Lewis

It has already taken several readings to grasp a basic understanding of the brilliance contained within this little book (it is less than 100 pages). However, I think it well worth the time spent to understand the ideas it proposes and will probably continue to dig for what I think is the hidden solution to a balanced educational approach that can develop the individuals sense of morality without forcing them to embrace the academic anorexia that plagues the contemporary college and high school campus experience.

Of Science & Magic – The Abolition of Man

“For the wise men of old the cardinal problem had been how to conform the soul to reality, and the solution had been knowledge, self-discipline, and virtue. For magic and applied science alike the problem is how to subdue reality to the wishes of men: the solution is a technique; and both, in the practice of this technique, are ready to do things hitherto regarded as disgusting and impious

A (Dys)functional Approach to Education

Popular calls for education reform to produce 'functions' of creativity only provide an ironic outline of what is missing from this functional education system: the human element. Education must produce humans. Creativity is a natural expression of humanity. In order to teach someone what it means to be human, there must be some understanding of what this is or how it might look.

How to Change The World

Changing the world is more accessible to all of us today than ever before, but this does not mean the challenge is any easier than it was a thousand years ago. The most difficult person to change is often the one who is closest to us. In fact, changing our own minds can sometimes seem like an impossible feat.

Technology Struggles to Compete with Teachers

“Computer programs are structured – teachers have to follow what a program tells them to do. The pencil-and-paper approach is more flexible. Teaching assistants could adapt what they were doing a bit more, to the individual children."

A Review of “The Courage to Teach” by Parker J. Palmer

Welcoming the Person Back to the Process of Education   When I first opened the book “The Courage to Teach” by Parker Palmer, I had no idea that the ideas it contained would connect with me so strongly. To begin with, I have never had a problem with facing a classroom - in part because I have … Continue reading A Review of “The Courage to Teach” by Parker J. Palmer