Three Kinds of Flipped Classroom

Let’s flip more than the order of learning activities...until the classroom becomes a place of discovery, a virtual laboratory for exploring any field of interest.

It’s Not About the Cheerios! – How Ego Destroys The Educator

Why do some babies believe it is possible to reach the Cheerio while others are content to wait for someone to bring it over and start spoon-feeding? I would suggest that this has more to do with the ego of the teacher than many of us educators are willing to recognize.

Foundations of Democratic Reform

The appeal by Lewis to a transcendent universal standard creates the space required for a democratic approach to education reform. If the standard is universal, every person has some idea of what it might look like and can participate in the process of building a new system. On the other hand, if the standard is arbitrary, then only those with power, authority, and credentials have the ability to propose changes for reasons only they can understand.

A Beautiful Extraordinary Life

"Who doesn't want a beautiful, extraordinary life?" I think this video encapsulates the idea posed by CS Lewis that "something deep within the human heart breaks at the thought of mediocrity." Take inspiration from this video shared by my friends at They are exploring ways to empower individuals to achieve this goal by creating … Continue reading A Beautiful Extraordinary Life

Student vs. College

This post was first published at I was talking with a friend today about the depersonalization of the college experience that Palmer decries in his book and he replied that I was forgetting about the perspective of the organization. Organizations exist to perpetuate their existence. Business is an organization that survives on the basis … Continue reading Student vs. College